profile box full

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Iscritto il: 23/08/2012, 23:45
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profile box full

Messaggio da alex75 »

Dalla vecchia e famosa snippet per phpbb 3.0.x " Profile box By FTH aka FranckTH ".
Eccovi un' estensione da me rivista.
Racchiude in un box:
- Il profilo dei post (avatar ed informazioni)
- I posts
- La risposta rapida (quick editor)
- le schede del pannello di controllo utente

Nome estensione: Profile Box Full
Autore: alex75
Versione: 1.0.8
Versione phpbb: 3.1 e phpbb 3.2
Profile Box Full
profile box full.jpg
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Iscritto il: 18/02/2017, 0:15
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da elemor »

Alex plugin. He did not get his age in the box. What can be done about it?
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Iscritto il: 23/08/2012, 23:45
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da alex75 »

Author of the extension will not use css standards to see the age. give me the link of that extension, and I'll try to fix.
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da elemor »

I do not remember the plug. In older versions I had to age with a plugin.
How can we show that the profile area is in the picture?
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da alex75 »

elemor ha scritto:I do not remember the plug. In older versions I had to age with a plugin.
How can we show that the profile area is in the picture?
maybe I do not understand ... you want this version? want this look and feel but for phpbb 3.2? ... ml#p117776

here it is
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da elemor »

Yes, it was, Alex. Thank you so much :clapi:
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da elemor »

Alex, do you have a "no avatar" plugin for those who do not have an Avatar?

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Iscritto il: 23/08/2012, 23:45
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Località: Palermo

Re: profile box full

Messaggio da alex75 »

try this:
but older users will have to reinsert their avatar.
Or this: ... lt_avatar/
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da elemor »

He gave a mistake.

ext\alfredoramos\defaultavatar\includes\defaultavatar.php on line 37
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Re: profile box full

Messaggio da sick »

Salve, con questa estensione riscontro un fastidioso bug, probabilmente però un problema mio, alleno uno screen:


come si può vedere il nome utente non è perfettamente allineto con l'avatar, c'è un modo per risolvere?
Se è possibile vorrei metterli proprio come su questo forum tutti a sinistra