Buon giorno dalla Germania

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Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 26/04/2017, 21:39
Link del Forum: http://www.esterelclub.com

Buon giorno dalla Germania

Messaggio da LuMaReMa »

Hello! My name is Ludger and I am the technical admin of the Esterelclub-Board (www.esterelclub.com). All People in our board are owners of folding-caravans specially of the brand ESTEREL but also other brands like Gobur, La Boheme etc
Formerly an admin - who is not more in our board - had installed the extension welcomeback. I just updated the board to version 3.2 and recognized, that the extension also must be updated.

Kind regards
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Re: Buon giorno dalla Germania

Messaggio da alex75 »

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Re: Buon giorno dalla Germania

Messaggio da User Cancellato »

LuMaReMa ha scritto:Hello! My name is Ludger and I am the technical admin of the Esterelclub-Board (http://www.esterelclub.com). All People in our board are owners of folding-caravans specially of the brand ESTEREL but also other brands like Gobur, La Boheme etc
Formerly an admin - who is not more in our board - had installed the extension welcomeback. I just updated the board to version 3.2 and recognized, that the extension also must be updated.

Kind regards
Welcome and good stay ;-)!
What is your phpBB board version?
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Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 26/04/2017, 21:39
Link del Forum: http://www.esterelclub.com

Re: Buon giorno dalla Germania

Messaggio da LuMaReMa »

Hi Andrea!
The board was just updated to Version 3.2

regards Ludger