Hello My Name Is Winston

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Messaggi: 3
Iscritto il: 25/01/2017, 6:30
Link del Forum: https://www.the-group.club/f/index.php

Hello My Name Is Winston

Messaggio da Winston »

Hello everyone,

My name is Winston. I am not a tech savvy person but I have a partner who is.

We have 2 phpbb forums we run together. One is new and one is about 7 months old.

The old forum was running Elegance style until the upgrade to 3.2 so now we're using Pro-Silver temporarily.

We were planning to use the Blue Turtle style of phpbb for our new forum but that has changed with the release of 3.2 so now we are running Pro-Silver on that forum temporarily.

We wanted to use it because it had transparency so the background image would show through. But it seems Blue Turtle stye may not be upgraded to 3.2 so we are trying to find another style or an extension that has transparency.

The style for this forum lookd perfect.

I was wondering if an Admin here could help me access this same style as this forum to use on my forums?

I hope I'm not breaking the rules by asking this question here. I will wait to see if the Admin answers me or if I get banned for doing something wrong.

I just need help and I will be happy to post this in another section once I look around here.

Please don't be angry with me if I've asked too much here. I'm sorry.


ps - my forums are the-group.club & blueturtle.group
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Messaggi: 6292
Iscritto il: 23/08/2012, 23:45
Link del Forum: www.phpbb-italia.it
Località: Palermo

Re: Hello My Name Is Winston

Messaggio da alex75 »

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Messaggi: 3
Iscritto il: 25/01/2017, 6:30
Link del Forum: https://www.the-group.club/f/index.php

Re: Hello My Name Is Winston

Messaggio da Winston »

Thank you for the quick reply!

I will have my partner take a look at those extensions.

What I really need is a transparent style like Blue Turtle that shows the background through a transparent style page ... like Blue Turtle.

Your site has transparency except the boxes are opaque. Is there an extension that makes the page fully transparent like Blue Turtle or even partially transparent like PHPBB.store?

I have some beautiful backgrounds of giant Blue Turtles I would like to use on my forum if I can find a way to make the pages transparent:




I would like to have a slide-show type background that rotates different images or have the ability to have different backgrounds for different forums on my BlueTurtle.group board.

If I should be posting this in another place will you please tell me where post it and I will do so.

Thank you Alex.

Wintson :D:
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Messaggi: 6292
Iscritto il: 23/08/2012, 23:45
Link del Forum: www.phpbb-italia.it
Località: Palermo

Re: Hello My Name Is Winston

Messaggio da alex75 »

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Messaggi: 3
Iscritto il: 25/01/2017, 6:30
Link del Forum: https://www.the-group.club/f/index.php

Re: Hello My Name Is Winston

Messaggio da Winston »

Thank you Alex. You help is much appreciated.

I will show this to my partner and hopefully he will be able to implement these changes without problem. I will let you know.

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Iscritto il: 16/01/2017, 3:50
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Re: Hello My Name Is Winston

Messaggio da User Cancellato »

Winston ha scritto:Hello everyone,

My name is Winston. I am not a tech savvy person but I have a partner who is.

We have 2 phpbb forums we run together. One is new and one is about 7 months old.

The old forum was running Elegance style until the upgrade to 3.2 so now we're using Pro-Silver temporarily.

We were planning to use the Blue Turtle style of phpbb for our new forum but that has changed with the release of 3.2 so now we are running Pro-Silver on that forum temporarily.

We wanted to use it because it had transparency so the background image would show through. But it seems Blue Turtle stye may not be upgraded to 3.2 so we are trying to find another style or an extension that has transparency.

The style for this forum lookd perfect.

I was wondering if an Admin here could help me access this same style as this forum to use on my forums?

I hope I'm not breaking the rules by asking this question here. I will wait to see if the Admin answers me or if I get banned for doing something wrong.

I just need help and I will be happy to post this in another section once I look around here.

Please don't be angry with me if I've asked too much here. I'm sorry.


ps - my forums are the-group.club & blueturtle.group
Welcome Winston :D! :thumbup: